Sunday, July 28, 2013

Data data data....

1) Here is a dataset for multimodal image registration. The Vanderbilt database of the Retrospective Image Registration Evaluation Project.

2) Here is "Yet Another Computer Vision Index To Datasets (YACVID)", of 150+ links to various datasets complete with links, descriptions, tags etc.



Friday, July 26, 2013

Some machine learning e-books

The elements of statistical learning:  complete with data here
Available online:
Machine Learning for Hackers (uses R)
Machine Learning in Action (uses Phyton)
Practical computer vision with simplecv (especially handy for XBox Kinect)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

In the news...

We made it into the newspapers. METU NCC computer engineering graduation projects were published in the newspaper Kıbrıs, on 10 June 2013, page 39.

Insect identification Android sofware

My students did a great job with their graduation project. Here is the video of Insectify, the Android app that identifies insects and connects to the insect's respective Wikipedia page. Congrats to Seyithan Dag, Cagri Benli and Ata Aydemir.

Tubitak Biometrics Research

Fingerprint etc. database  related to biometrics is here

Amazon Data Science Competition

MLSP 2012 Competition: Amazon Data Science Competition